After spending several years in the press specializing in the video games area, Sébastien Karnidal founded with his partner Laura Veganpower the site in 2007. This site was the first platform grouping in the same space; restaurants critics, food tasting, spotting place to shop and of course new recipes. At the same time, for 5 years he occupies culinary pages in the magazine “Alternatives Végétariennes”, official organ of the “Association Végétarienne de France”. Since 2013, he garthers together the works dedicated to the vegan gastronomy, such as Street Food Culture, “Certains l’aiment cru”, “À la française aux éditions l’Âge d’Homme”, as well as “Ma petite boucherie vegan”, “Aquafaba”, “Ma petite crèmerie vegan”, PST and Urbain Vegan with the “La Plage” editions. This year Sébastien Kardinal started his own Youtube Channel.